10 Positive Affirmations for Cancer Caregivers!
Being a cancer caregiver is not an easy job, and it feels good to be appreciated. When you are having a day when you just aren’t sure that you can carry on, find an affirmation from and repeat it to yourself, because no matter what, you can do it.
1). “I am a good person”
Being a cancer caregiver can be stressful. It is a natural human tendency to say or do things that we do not mean when we are stressed out, things that you may later regret. Don’t hold these things against yourself, don’t make yourself feel bad for accidentally saying or doing something hurtful. Understand that everyone makes mistakes, just because you did too does not mean that you are a bad person. Remind yourself how strong you are and how good of a person you are, this allows you to forgive yourself and move forward. You are a good person, never forget that.
2). “I can control my feelings”
Being a caregiver, you understand that there are things in life that you cannot always control. But no matter what, you will always be in control of your feelings. When a crisis happens, it is easy to feel helpless, but remember that you have the power to flip the narrative. You can change the way you respond and react to things. You do not have to let fear or stress drive you. Keeping a positive mind makes it easier to handle anything that comes your way. It is also important to not let the situation you and your loved ones are in to control your own personal happiness and your life.
3). “I have people who love and care for me”
Being a cancer caregiver can be an extremely lonely job. You are putting everything you can into helping someone else you love and it is easy to feel alone. Never forget that you also have people who love you and want to help take care of you. Do not be afraid to ask for help or lean on these people when you need it. Reach out to your support network when you need a boost, they want to help you as much as you are helping your loved one who is suffering from cancer.
4). “I am lucky to be able to make a difference”
Sometimes, being a cancer caregiver can feel like a burden. Not because you don’t love the person who you are taking care of, but it can feel like you’ve lost parts of your own life. In those moments, try and remember that you are making a significant difference in someone else’s life. You are making their life so much easier and you are lucky to have this opportunity to show that person how much you love them and care for them.
5). “I am allowed to make mistakes and have bad days”
As a cancer caregiver, it is easy to feel like you have to be perfect all of the time. Unfortunately, nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes and we all have bad days. On the days that you aren’t at your best, take some time for yourself and forgive yourself. No one expects you to be perfect. Caregiving is a difficult job and can take a toll. You are allowed to make mistakes and have bad days because that is natural and there is no one else in the world who can do the job that you are doing for your loved one.
6). “I appreciate each day and each moment”
A cancer diagnosis is a scary thing, for the patient and their family and friends. Being a caregiver, it is easy to get caught up in the stress and craziness of cancer treatment. But remember that every day that you have here and every moment that you experience are gifts. Don’t be afraid to have some fun and enjoy life with the cancer patient and with your friends and family. This is your life too and you should live it to the best of your ability.
7). “I am strong”
Being a cancer caregiver takes a special kind of strength that not everybody has. You wake up every day not knowing if it is going to be a good day or a bad day and unsure of what you are going to face, but you do it anyway. You are strong enough to get through anything. You are strong enough to admit when you need help and when you are not okay, and you are strong enough to know that is okay. You give strength to those who need it, you are strong.
8). “I am an imperfect human, and that is okay”
There is not a single person on this planet is perfect, so you should never expect that from yourself. You do the absolute best you can every day. You are kind and gentle but also fearless and powerful. You are able to move mountains but you also sometimes break down. And that is okay because that is natural. You are giving a gift to the person who you are caring for and that in itself is enough. Forgive yourself for the mistakes that you make, and learn from them. You may stumble but you also get back up, stronger than you were before. Be proud of yourself for everything that you are able to do.
9). “I will never be driven by fear, only hope, and love”
Being a cancer caregiver can be scary. Your loved one is going through something that no one would wish on their worst enemy. It is easy to wonder and think about the negative “what if’s” but instead of doing that try to push yourself to think about the positive ones. Push yourself to flip the narrative and keep a positive mind. Think about how much you love the person you are caring for and how much hope you have for their future and your own. Don’t let the fear of what might happen to stop you from enjoying every moment that you have with them.
10). “I am allowed to take care of my needs too”
As a cancer caregiver, it is easy to feel like you have to let go of your own life to be able to help your loved one. But that is not the case. It is so important that you take care of your own needs and your families need as well. You have to take care of yourself because if you don’t, you won’t be the best caregiver that you can be. By taking care of yourself, you are ensuring that you will be there to take care of your loved one for as long as they need you. You also cannot put your life on hold to be a caregiver, because at the end, when your job as a caregiver is done, regardless of the outcome, that is what you will go back to. Taking care of yourself and your own needs and life ensures that you will be the best caregiver you can be.