Artscape-care for cancer
03 Jun
  • By Artscape
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I decided to end my life before CANCER ends my mother’s

            People say that life is precious. We speak of its temporary, yet beautiful nature, and how we use the time during to learn lessons and experience love. I believe sometimes life forces us to forget this, only that so we may remember. My name is Namrata, and I am happy. Today I experience a […]

09 May
  • By Artscape
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10 Positive Affirmations for Cancer Caregivers!

Being a cancer caregiver is not an easy job, and it feels good to be appreciated. When you are having a day when you just aren’t sure that you can carry on, find an affirmation from and repeat it to yourself, because no matter what, you can do it.   1). “I am a good […]

The battle they didn't choose
01 May
  • By Artscape
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Cancer Caregivers – the Battle they didn’t choose!

It takes a village to raise a child. Cancer, in some ways, strips patients of their independence and brings them back to the feeling of being helpless, like a child. It takes a loving and caring family to bring upon the healing that is necessary to see remission and longevity for the patient. It takes […]

09 Apr
  • By Artscape
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Why do we need to talk about Mental Health in India now? More than ever!

Mental health does not only refer to mental illnesses. It is important to remember that mental health includes daily activities, attitudes, and anything that is directly or indirectly related to mental well-being. Just because mental health is almost never as visible as physical health, it doesn’t mean that it is any less important or any […]