The strength of the Team lies in the individual and the strength of the individual lies in the Team.

Corporate Wellness

Employee Wellbeing is key for Workplace Productivity. A mentally and physically healthy individual is more optimistic, creative, motivated and contributes to creating an effective and efficient working environment for better internal functioning.

Our Sessions are designed with Expressive arts therapy, a unique methodology that uses creative tools like movement, music, drama. Trained facilitators create circles on Self-Management to encourage participants to deep dive into their inner resources, manage emotions, channelize energy and achieve optimum synchronization between the body and the mind.

The experience helps in better integration with the Self, and in turn with the Team and Workplace, to impact Personal Wellbeing and Professional Productivity.

The experience helps in better integration with the Self and in turn with the Team and Workplace, thereby creating an effective environment for better internal functioning

This is one of our core programs that focuses on enhancing mental and emotional wellbeing to empower employees and leaders toward success.

Our Sessions are designed to encourage participants to deep dive into their inner resources, manage emotions, channelize energy and achieve optimum synchronization between the body and the mind.

The experience helps in better integration with the Self, and in turn with the Team and Workplace, thereby creating an effective environment for better internal functioning. We’ve partnered with RBL Bank, Eureka Forbes – Euroable, ATC – Yokohama, Star Cement, Antarmanh, Disney Star, among others for conducting these programs.

“Globally, more than 25% of mental illnesses arise due to workplace stress. Job stress has professional and personal consequences. It affects workplace performance, relationship with co-workers and peers, quality of work and their relationships with superiors which trickles into their personal lives too. This disruption leads to feelings of distress which remain unaddressed. These suppressed emotions over a long period of time lead to emotional outbursts, anxiety, depression causing inefficiency and increases the burden on the organization.

Artscape recognizes the dire need to intervene in this area through its Corporate Wellness programme to provide a platform to engage and express their emotions, help them relax and enable them to attain a state of mental well being under any given circumstance through Expressive Art Therapy. Sessions are designed using Music, Movement, Meditation & Art. Our sessions will ensure introspection, the deeper understanding of personal motives, changes in perspective to facilitate optimum communication, creativity, and efficiency in the workplace.”